AMG Foundation urges CSACEFA to support Kano Gov’t on Education Trust Fund

By Hannatu Abba

The Aminu Magashi Garba Foundation has called on the Civil Society Action Coalition on Education For All (CSACEFA) to support the Kano State Government on the implementation of the proposed Education Trust Fund.

Chairman of the foundation, Dr Aminu Magashi Garba stated this when he received Chairman of the CSACEFA, Dr Auwal Halilu in his office.

He said the AMG foundation will support the CSACEFA on activities that will engage stakeholders and government to implement necessary tasks especially on the Kano Education Trust Fund, initiated by Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf.

Dr Magashi called on the CSACEFA to look at the Kano blueprint of 2023 election to task Governor Yusuf on One Child, One Desk policy, which he emphasised that it will enhance education standard and quality in the state.

Speaking earlier, Chairman of the CSACEFA, Dr Halilu commended Dr Aminu Magashi and the AMG Foundation for its support in establishing four toilets in Gaida Town in Kumbotso Local Government Area of Kano State.

Dr Halilu informed Dr Magashi, thatthe aim of the working visit, is to appreciate AMG Foundation for its contributions to various communities in Kano state and donation of N.5million to the Geza community of the Kumbotso LGA.

“CSACEFA always advocates for quality education and improving the lives of people, especially those living in the rural areas. Therefore, we were elated when we saw the AMG Foundation intervention during our visit to the Gaida town,” he said.

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